Careers Education

Careers Education, Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

At Wodensborough Ormiston Academy, we believe that good career guidance is about raising aspirations and aiming high. We aim to open doors for our students by providing them with a good careers programme that meets the “8 Gatsby benchmarks”. These benchmarks have been accepted as best practice by schools, colleges and employers across the country.

We evaluate our progress against the “8 benchmarks” using the “Compass Tool” which is a self-audit tool created by Gatsby and The Careers & Enterprise Company. This helps us to plan for future development as we work towards the “Quality Mark” for Careers.

Our CEIAG programme is reviewed annually with all stakeholders in the summer term – Next review July 2025 for publication September 2025.

Gatsby benchmarksExamples of how we meet the benchmark
1. Providing a stable careers programmeSmart-Start weekly careers session and drop-down days – see Stable Careers Programme in files below.
2. Providing career and labour market informationWebsite links and shared on social media
3. Addressing the needs of each studentOne to one IAG/WRL opportunities
4. Linking curriculum learning to careersCurriculum (see subject pages) and careers/STEM
5. Encounters with employers/employeesWork of work days
6. Experiences of workplacesWork experience
7. Student encounters with further and higher educationCareers events/visiting speakers, university
8. Providing personal guidanceCareers leaders and Connexions

Measuring impact

We use Compass + to track, monitor and measure the impact of the activities that are undertaken across the academy in order to meet the “8 Gatsby benchmarks“. The CEIAG leader meets half-termly with our dedicated link advisor. We are currently reporting 100% progress across all “8 benchmarks”click here for the latest report from Compass +.

Who to speak to

For CEIAG Policy and other related policies (including Provider Access Policy) see link at the bottom of this page or click here

“In addition to our comprehensive careers programme, students have access to dedicated Google Classrooms that provides up to date information and guidance.

During Covid-19 students have taken part in a virtual WEX and ‘Speakers for Schools’ – another example of not letting a pandemic get in the way of progress.”