The Wodensborough Ormiston Academy Royal Marines Cadet Detachment (WOA RMCD) has been established under the Cadet Expansion Programme (CEP), the government recognising the positive impacts and benefits of schools having their own cadet detachments committed to grow the total number of cadet units in schools across the UK to 500 by 2020.
WOA RMCD have partnered with a well-established Sea Cadet unit based on Edgbaston Reservoir (Training Ship Vernon) becoming a satellite detachment of the main unit which has enabled a greater range of cadet experiences and activities to be undertaken with the cadets regularly attending a parade night at the Edgbaston HQ to mix with other cadets from across the greater Birmingham and black country area, accessing boating, canoeing and Kayaking, amongst other opportunities, on Edgbaston reservoir.
Since 2019, the detachment has increased its numbers from an original 10 cadets to its current state of 19 cadets. They regularly parade in school, being a focal point of our annual Remembrance Day service.
The cadets are currently supported by three school staff:
Major (SCC) Paul Wagstaff, RMR – Detachment commander and lead for the detachment, initiated the creation of the scheme. Major Wagstaff is an experience Royal Marines Cadet instructor prior to our detachments start up, and has been a involved in the wider Sea Cadet organsiation since he was in secondary school.
Sgt (SCC) Jess Millward
Cheryl Bennett
Due to current restrictions the cadets attend separate after school sessions on Tuesdays Yr9 attend from 1510 until 1730 and Thursdays Yr10 attend from 1600 until 1800. These sessions are as practical as possible to allow the cadets to develop their sense of teamwork, unity and spirit de corps.
Plans are currently being made to run a mini activity camp based at the school site during the first week of the summer holidays that will hopefully include working with another school-based cadet unit and sharing resources such as air rifle shooting under instruction from qualified staff.