English and Media

Our English curriculum

The English Curriculum aims to inspire students to probe, challenge and explore methods of communication across a range of contexts in a variety of settings in order to become confident orators, readers and writers.

The teaching of English across Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 is underpinned by the facilitation of passionate debate, discussion and exploration of significant texts from across the world. Through our curriculum we aim to kindle a love of language within our students and encourage them to broaden and develop  their current world view.

Within the study of English, students will question and critique the methods that orators and writers use to present their views and perspectives; responding to these ideas using their personal opinions. Students will be inspired to experiment with methods employed by great orators and writers in order to develop their own confident style of communication.

Through a curriculum with a deliberate focus on broadening students’ vocabulary, they are actively encouraged to experiment with the application and use of ambitious language and terminology. Throughout their studies, they refine and hone their selection of appropriate and impactful vocabulary within their personal communications.

Our Media curriculum

The media play a central role in contemporary society and culture, shaping our perceptions of the world through viewpoints, representations and the messages they offer.

Media Studies challenges us to look at the media in a different way, examining how the modern media industry works, analysing and decoding different media texts and considering how meaning is made for us. Media Studies offers students the opportunity to develop knowledge and understanding of key issues and the ability to debate important questions about the media.

Students will study a broad and diverse range of historic and contemporary media forms in terms of a theoretical framework consisting of media language, representation, media industries and audiences.

Through this study, students will gain an understanding of the foundations of the subject, enabling them to question and explore aspects of the media that may seem familiar and straightforward from their existing experience in a critical way. Studying less familiar media forms provides rich and challenging opportunities for interpretation and analysis.