
A destination is a students’ post-16 pathway after they leave school in Year 11. This could be a college, sixth form, apprenticeship, training provider or employment. A student who does not have a post-16 pathway is known as a NEET student (not in Education, employment or training).

Our careers team and staff work hard to provide impartial Information and guidance to support all student in securing placements at the destination of their choice. We continue to provide ongoing support leading to, on and after results day.

Our Connexions advisor, careers lead and a number of colleges are available to provide additional support to students on results day to ensure that their results still lead them to meaningful destinations and help students to manage change if needed.

How destinations are measured

Once students start their post-16 education (e.g. college) they have reached their destination. However, they would need to stay in their chosen destination (e.g. college) for a period of two terms for the destinations data to be positive. Once the data is collected, it is reported to the Department for Education (DfE) and then compared to Sandwell and national averages.

This table shows the % of students in education/employment for at least two terms after leaving Wodensborough Ormiston Academy compared to Sandwell and national averages.