Arrangements for applications for places at WOA will be made in accordance with Sandwell Local Authority’s co-ordinated admission arrangements and will be made on the Common Application Form provided and administered by Sandwell Council.
When the number of applications for admission made is greater than the published admission number (currently 230 per year), applications will be made against Sandwell’s published admission criteria. In order to process applications the criteria will be followed as in the admissions policy which can be found by following the link at the bottom of this page. The oversubscription section of the current policy is summarised below:
If the academy receives more applications than there are available places then children with the academy named on an education, health care plan (EHC) or equivalent will be automatically admitted to the academy. If there are still places available, priority for admission will be given to those children who meet the oversubscription criteria set out below:
** Measured from the Ordnance Survey address point for the property.
Definitive tie-breaker: in the event of there still being a tie, there will be a random ballot using
an electronic random number generator. Such a ballot will be supervised by an officer of the
local authority.
Extract from Sandwell Local Authority Admissions Policy.